About Us

The Tech Mug is an online magazine for geeks & technology freaks, here you can get all latest trends of technology. We provide geek guide & tutorials over all latest technology and latest smartphones.

Tech New

We provide all latest Tech news over smartphone latest gadgets & technology. We give our best here to provide all stuffs on a single platform, be here and share our content if you like our work

Geek Guide

There are lots of geeks in the world and lots of other student who want to be a geek, they need geek guide here we are with the latest geek guide for beginners & advance users also can try.

Android Tips & Tricks

Want to Root or Customize your android smartphone..? Don’t worry we are here with latest trends of technology and android rooting tutorials. on a single platform you will get all information, required files & Tutorials Videos also.

PC Tricks

some who want to be a computer expert they can read our stuff we are here with all computer tricks & tips. We provide hardware & Networking solutions with all required files, snapshot & tutorial videos.