high school admission
high school admission

When talking about skills for high school students, most people emphasise technical skills. Well, soft skills are equally important, if not more. They can help high school students perform well in academics. In any school, the same course and curriculum are available for all the students. However, only a few students master in studies and cover the course in its entirety.

A few skills separate meritorious students from other students. Read on to learn about essential skills to help high school students perform better academically.  


High school students often find themselves in a situation where they feel down. It is because there can be a lack of motivation from external sources. Students have to lift themselves and achieve their goals in such a case. Self-motivation is needed to cover lengthy courses and remain fresh even after a tiring day. GIIS (Global Indian International School) has always helped students discover inner motivation. Unfortunately, not all Japan high school admission offer an atmosphere where students feel motivated.

Organisational powers

Organising things inculcates a sense of discipline in students. Organised mind and surroundings will always lead to better results. At Tokyo International Progressive School, we focus on developing organisational skills within students.


Teachers discuss several things during classes with students. Unfortunately, students can forget one or two things by the time they reach home. It is why high school students should have note-making skills. They should be quick in noting the teachers’ critical points discussed in the class. Students can also compare/review their notes with others to make amends.

Completing tasks/assignments

High school students are no strangers to workload. Many Japan high schools train their students with assignments, homework, and projects. There can be times when students are ladened with projects and assignments. High school students should know how to manage deadlines and workload.


Sometimes, students have to listen to lectures that aren’t their strong points. Some subjects might seem tedious, but they have a purpose and help students in the future. For the same reason, students must remain concentrated throughout the class timings.

Setting achievable goals

At Tokyo International School, we set achievable goals for students in academics and co-curricular activities. However, a student should also set personal goals and achieve them. By selecting a goal, students can visualise it and later achieve it.


Several activities inside classrooms can feel mundane to students. It does not mean students start skipping classes or taking notes. Instead, students should maintain punctuality and attend regular classes. Consistency is the key for high school students to succeed in academics and life. From taking standard notes to maintaining attendance, students should be punctual.

Time management

Time management is one of the most valuable skills high-school students can possess. There are only 24 hours in a day for every high school student. However, some high school students make the most out of 24 hours, while some struggle to find the time. It is because meritorious students have excellent time management skills. Students should create a strict timetable and dedicate time to each subject. For high school students, it is better to devote equal time to each subject. 

Self-studying skills

Teachers cover many topics in classrooms throughout the academic year. Apart from the classroom, a student should also dedicate time to self-study daily. During the self-study period, a student can revise the learnings from the school or discover a new topic. Last-minute revision before the exams may not lead to good academic results.

In a nutshell

High school students should focus on developing the skills mentioned above to perform well in academics. Send your child to GIIS for all-around learning!


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